Archive for the ‘Reviews’ Category

So for all the newcomers, or a refresher to others – awhile back I did a post on my thoughts on BeachBody products and damn near got assassinated by some. I kept the review real and I kept it honest, which I guess is what pissed off most people. Oh. How dare she say she doesn’t like Shakeology? OMG! End of the world, right?!?!

Anyways. Everyone missed ALL the good things I had to say about the program.  And today I am here to tell you what I thought of my first week thus far doing CLX, the actual workout!

So day 1 was “Burn Circuit 1”.  I realized on day 1 I was bit stronger than I gave myself credit for which was a super plus plus! YAY! The exercises were a bit easier for me since I had lighter weights so I sort of breezed through it – that was until it was push-up time. I did manage to do all 12 – modified style (no shame in my game, at least I was doing it!).  I felt awesome when I was done! No soreness, nothing! Easy peasy right?!

Mhmmm. And then came Sunday. Holy. Smokes. SO glad it was a rest day on Sunday and SO glad we don’t walk on our arms! bahahhah! WOW WOW WOW! I was so unbelievably sore in muscles in my arms that I really had no idea were there. Awesome sauce!

OK. SO now next day is Burn Circuit 2. All gravy, right? I wake up feeling pretty darn good with minimal soreness. That is, until I start lifting. Geeza-louisa! OMG to make it worse – the pushups at the end! A combo of tricep pushups – to a wide arm pushup and then a spiderman pushup. Ummmm I’m pretty sure this lady has it out for me, right?!? I did 5 pushups total. FIVE. 1-2-3-4-5 ! From 12 two days ago?!? Say what! Oh my gosh those tricep ones KILLED my arms!

Next day – no rest. We are at burn intervals. Cardio on crack speed is what it should be called. With light weights, yet. Um sorry but with my arm soreness at this point – ain’t no such thing as “light weights” because everything felt heavy lifting even when I had NO weights in hands!!!  The calorie burn was awesome 436 als in 44 minutes but really I felt more like a fish flopping out of water with my arms flailing all over – so some of the moves were probably pointless! 🙂

 I didn’t even do the abs video. I wasn’t a fan of this one at all. I’m not coordinated so I will swap this out with a BOB DVD 🙂

Now I had to take an additional 2 days off, even though that’s not what the schedule called for. But at the point I started Burn Circuit 3 the following day and had to stop because the soreness was so bad it was pushing almost into a pain level.  I want sexy arms – not torn shoulders and muscles right? 😉

So really, it isn’t a bad workout. And ladies – it’s one of the FEW that target your arms and upper body. And since doing this – I have wondered why I have not lifted more in the past as I just absolutely LOVE it and I cannot wait until my strength continues to increase.

Tank top summer here I come. Buh Bye bat wingzzz ! 🙂

Miss Grumpy